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What  is  Flourish?

Flourish is a Travel and Lifestyle publication focusing its content around outdoor living, nature, culture, sustainability and the search for a physical existence. Started by designer and photographer, Lucy Saunders, Flourish reflects her passion for travel, ecological adventures, exploring the natural world and documenting new places. The publication sits heavily around a photographic approach containing photo-essays, interviews, geographical statements and personal stories of adventure. Each volume is set around one place, continent, community, culture or location. Flourish is a publication which thrives off of the meaning of ‘to flourish’ itself; (of a living organism) grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly congenial environment.


Meet the team

Editor: Lucy Saunders


[Lucy] is a professional photographer from Bath, UK. Her love of travel and the outdoors led her to create Flourish as a means to share her experiences with the world.


Sub Editor: Harry Hartley 


[Harry] is a writer and avid admirer of outdoor exploration. He brings his enthusiasm for sport to Flourish, having rock climbed and mountaineered his way across several continents in his spare time.




Why  get behind  flourish?

 To buy Flourish magazine is the start to finding your own physical existence, to become inspired by the content, feel the need to explore and start your own journeys into the world from your own starting point. The aim is not purely to inspire people to travel but an outlet in exploring something deeper; sustainability, culture and the communities which deal with living their lives in that environment. We aim to expand our readership by building a reader community through the likes of  personal events, and the involvement of collaboration with other photographers, designers and artists. 

How  did  flourish  become  a  publication?

With the help of Kickstarter Flourish was successfully backed reaching its target in order to become a print based publication. Finally making it into pages Flourish is now a publication which can sit upon a shelf rather than an idea stumped at its initial concept. Further support came from The Network of Creative Enterprise in Bath, Flourish's home town. Acting as a home for Flourish The Creative Hub has helped bring the publication to life and will be the ideal location for our first launch on Friday 13th April at 6:30PM. If you would like to come along please RSVP: for your name to be on the door list. 


Thank you! 

© 2018 Flourish Magazine

Flourish is a biannual, travel & lifestyle publication based in the United Kingdom. Each
volume has focus upon a different location, includes different photo-essays and all text is subject to the editors opinions, thoughts and feelings. 

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